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Holly Little was flight attendant and assistant for Sky Marshal Omar Anoke on Geronimo.


Holly is very religious and often prays and sings songs of faith. She was friends with Geronimo's chief engineer, Bull Brittles. She was serving Anoke food when Geronimo was hit by bug plasma near planet OM-1. Holly, Lola, Bull, Jingo, Anoke's doctor, Wiggs, and Anoke himself were the only ones to escape the ship in the escape pod and survive it's destruction over OM-1 When Jingo saw a Warrior Bug, Lola decided to move out and they began to hike across OM-1's desert. During their hike across desert on OM-1, Holly Little sang a song called Just a closer walk with thee. Bull eventually proposed to Holly and she agreed to marry him. Holly and Lola were rescued by Johnny's team during the Battle of OM-1. Upon returning to Earth Holly became a priest and religious leader. She appeared on FedNet and declared that God's back. Starship Troopers 3: Marauder



