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The Deep Space Vanguard is an elite unit of the Mobile Infantry Special Forces. They fought the Arachnids on Valaka[1], Agni Prime[2], X-11, and Boreas.


The Deep Space Vanguard is a brigade-sized Special Forces group within the Mobile Infantry. They primarily operate in the fringes of Federation space, dealing with special case missions and tasks that the regular infantry wouldn't be equipped otherwise to perform. The DSV have access to the cutting edge of Federation technology and battlefield tactics. Special advancements in material fabrication and micro-engineering have allowed the Vanguard to have a high amount of self-sustainability during combat operations, without the need for Fleet resupply. The DSV were initially formed following the success of the Marauder Program and the death of the Behemecoatyl (the God Bug) in AK (After Klendathu) 11 (2308).

The Vanguard's directive is to recapture planets that had fallen to the Arachnids during the Interstellar War, starting with the planet Valaka. This operation is called Firebrand. The mission of Operation Firebrand is to locate and eradicate Arachnid Leadership (aka the bug colony) and re-establish colonial operations across the Thara System.


Vanguard forces were deployed on missions on hostile worlds infested by Arachnids. As their name, 'Vanguard', would imply, the DSV specialized in beachhead assaults -- they were frequently deployed to fully enemy-held planets to perform reconnaissance actions that would open the door for further invasion forces. The A.R.C. Device used on Valaka is an example of this kind of exploratory assault strategy. All Vanguard personnel were cross-trained as sappers.

Trooper Types[]

These are the various types of troopers in the DSV.[3]

Name Image Description
Sniper SST Extermination Sniper The Sniper is the designated marksman and acts as the eyes and ears of the team. This class uses its enhanced mobility including jump jets to gain vantage points and perch high above, and is equipped with certain reconnaissance and firepower capabilities.[4]
Demolisher SST Extermination Demolisher The Demolisher acts as a demolitions trooper, rocket trooper, and grenadier; storming onto the battlefield with explosive weaponry and a formidable arsenal. Having expert knowledge in all things explosive, the Demolisher is able to blast their way through endless storms of Bugs.[5]
Guardian SST Extermination Guardian The Guardian acts as a heavy weapons gunner and stands as a defensive juggernaut, equipped with hardened armor plates and formidable machine guns. This heavy infantry shock trooper is able to withstand the onslaught of Bugs and keep the bullets firing.[6]
Engineer SST Extermination Engineer The Engineer is a support class that's responsible for building, maintaining, upgrading, and repairing various types of equipment, bases, and structures. They also handle logistics as well.[7]
Medic SST Extermination Medic The Medic is a support class that's responsible for tending to and healing wounded troopers.[8]
Ranger SST Extermination Ranger The Ranger excels in speed, agility, mobility, close-quarters combat, and survival. They act as the premier boots-on-the-ground combatant, flexible and capable enough for any avenue of combat and also nimble enough for quick expeditionary actions.[9]

Notable Members[]



