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The Battle of Kwalasha , also known as the Kwalasha Campaign, was a major battle during the Second Bug War after an Arachnid invasion on the United Citizen Federation mining planet of Kwalasha.


Knowing the importance of Kwalasha to the United Citizen Federation war effort the Arachnids launched a major invasion of the planet.


1 Pacification

With an Arachnid force discovered on the planet M.I. squads were sent to to exterminate any and all Arachnids encountered.

Hole Patrol[]

2 Hole Patrol

M.I forces began attacking Bug hives and clearing them of Arachnid presence.

Peave of Mine[]

3 Peace of Mine

The UCF command wanted the miners to be put back into the mines. The M.I. was ordered to hold off all Arachnid attacks in the area whilst also clearing all mines, though not before casualties between miners.

Cave Cleaning[]

4 Cave Cleaning

M.I forces entered many Bug holes to exterminate the Arachnids.

No Escape[]

5 No Escape

Power Struggle[]

6 Power Struggle

The power was cut off in much of the planet as the generators were captured and heavily damaged by the Arachnids. M.I. forces counter attacked to capture a major power station and repaired its generators before they could be destroyed.

In Deep Trouble[]

7 In Deep Trouble

Tide Breaker[]

8 Tide Breaker

M.I. forces retreated to Fort Meru. Expecting to be able to easy holdon to this fort it was soon realised that the Arachnid horde was still too large and an evacuation was made to remove station personel.

Burning Skies[]

9 Burning Skies

The M.I. attempted an offensive against the Arachnids, however this failed badly when their DR-4 Viking dropships were desimated by Plasma Bugs. Survivors were forced to retreat on foot.

Valley of Death[]

10 Valley of Death

M.I. forces retreating from the failed offensive were forced into a large valley fighting their way out and away from a large horde.

Mental Issues[]

11 Mental Issues

A Military Intelligence officer's shuttle crashed forcing the M.I. to rescue him. The officer killed at least one Control Bug controlled human and was then escorted to a nearby base and evacuated.

Razor River[]

12 Razor River

M.I forces were sent to annilate a large Bug hive on the Razor River threatening an important base.

Guardians of Steel[]

13 Guardians of Steel

With the capital city under siege the M.I. using M11 Babars escort an important Military Intelligence officer out of the city.


14 Federatsiyagrad

Arachnid forces managed to largely conquer the capital city, before UCF counterattacks managed to drive them back, creating a containment zone using fortresses around the capital.

Bowels of the Beast[]

15 Bowels of the Beast

M.I. forces having beaten back the Arachnids in the surface of the capital head into the underground to flush out those remaining Bugs.

The Perimeter[]

16 The Perimeter

A ring of fortifications was built surrounding the capital and a large area of Kwaslasha to keep out the Bugs. The Arachnids attacked these fortifications in force but failed to penetrate them.

Fly or Die[]

17 Fly of Die

A military airport was established within this zone, which was then attacked in force by the Arachnids who seen it as a prime target. However, the stationed fighters were empty shells designed to lure the Bugs into a trap.

The Mobile Infantry for the first time deployed Troopers in Power Suits to counterattack the Arachnids. These forces combined with standard cap troopers inflicted heavy casualties on the Arachnid forces causing them to retreat.

The Fortress the Arachnids had penetrated to attack the airfield was restationed by the Mobile Infantry who held onto it preventing an Arachnid breakout, whilst the trapped Bugs were decimated by TAC fighter bombing runs.


18 Gatekeeper

The M.I. were required to defend its forts on the fortruss ring to prevent the Arachnids from escaping the trap whilst TAC Fighters launched bombing runs descimating the Arachnids in the open.

Operation Guillotine[]

19 Operation Guillotine

The final push against the remaining Bug horde. 5th Division acted as a diversion draw the enemy attack whilstg 6th division launched the assault. Despite heavy casualities the 5th survived the Arachnid assault and assisted in the final push supporting the 6th which pushed upwards and captured the Brain Bug.


